Tensions are rising in Voinjama District, Lofa County, following the mysterious death of Yakpawolo Moisemai, 19, the main suspect in the murder of Moyoungor Keleko, 45.
Moisemai was found hanging in a prison cell in Voinjama just days after he and four others were arrested for allegedly killing Keleko.
Keleko’s body was discovered on New Year’s Eve along a farm road in Duwoigomai Town, Voinjama District. A 15-member jury, convened after the police were alerted, determined that foul play was involved, citing deep cuts on her hands and a broken neck.
To protect the investigation, police separated Moisemai from the other suspects. However, he was later discovered dead in custody, having hanged himself with his shirt. His body was transported to Tellewoyan Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead and placed in the mortuary.
Unconfirmed reports indicate that Moisemai’s death has heightened tensions in Duwoigomai Town, with angry residents taking to the streets. According to the latest report from Voice of Lofa, the magisterial court in John’s Town and an immigration booth have been vandalized, and protesters have blocked the main road leading into Voinjama City.
The growing unrest threatens to complicate the ongoing murder investigation further.